Wednesday 23 June 2010

Football Facts

This morning we are driving to work and EB was reading a box of Frubes in the back of the car. 
"Mummy, would you like to hear some football facts??" she asked so sweetly I could not refuse, even though I HATE football :(
My friends starts laughing and made a comment about how much I love football so EB pipes up "Shush Scott" and then continues "You're a gay..."
This left me completely speechless and then in the few seconds it took me to find my voice she carried on, "...won the first world cup in 1938"
So I asked EB to repeat herself, "You're a gay won the first world cup in 1938, mummy!!"

While my friend practically wet himself laughing I had to explain it was pronounced "Uraguay", but top marks for effort!! :D

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