Saturday 26 June 2010

Brave or Stupid??

Today was my daughters birthday party, and she asked to have a sleepover with all her closest friends...... Which turned out to be 6 school friends and 3 out of school friends!!
The mums at school were all very greatful and coudn't thank me enough, with a glint in their eyes that said it all, " You crazy mad woman"!!! 
But in total we were expecting 4 to sleepover and 7 to the party, so quite a good turn out.  But last minute illness and cancellations meant that we have 2 staying the night and 5 to the party.

The mums and dads were quick to drop them off and run, especially when they heard all the noise from the garden.  But the time just flew by, and before I realised it was time for some of the girls to head home.
And I just wanted to say how proud I am of myself, which I know is blowing my own trumpet but I deserve it today!!
Since 5pm I have entertained all the girls, given them makeovers and painted their nails, I have played party games and had a pizza making session in the kitchen, we have set off confetti cannons in the garden.
But my proudest accoumplishment must be getting 5 girls showered and in their PJ's in 10 minutes :D

Right now as I they are all sat quietly around my feet in their sleeping bags watching a DVD :)
It may have been a crazy idea but far from stupid.  I have loved having them all here :)


  1. I don't think it was stupid, but does sound like a fun evening! Are you available to hire?!

  2. Well I have been asked that by several mummies now :O
    If only I had the space and time!

  3. I'm very proud of you hun, I have a present for EB x
