Monday 31 May 2010

First Live Music event

This weekend a local pub runs a "Band Day" every Bank Holiday and has numerous local bands playing all day.  I have never been but one of my friends convinced me to go as it's child-friendly and a good night.

So I decided maybe I should introduce my daughter to the world of live music as it is something I never got into until a lot later in my life.  Acutually i was 21 and I watched Blue & Liberty X, something maybe I shouldn't admit to... lol

But anyway, there was a small gathering of us at mine, and we walked down to the pub.  EB was fine going down and was happily chatting and enetertaining everyone as she does best, until we got there.
At which point she promptly bursts into tears and DEMANDS we go home!
I tried to calm her and asked why, so she responded with;  "Because the music is too loud mummy, I can't hear myself think!!" 
After fighting back the giggles and asked what was so important that she needed to think about, we were just hear to enjoy the music and dance with friends, she told me "Life, mummy!  I have to think about growing up!" 
She then proceeded to shout at me and my brother everytime we danced, scowling and standing on our feet!  She informed me that the lead singer was too noisy, she didn't like his singing and he needed to turn it down, AND then tried to go and tell him!!
She finally seemed to start enjoying herself (not the music) after about an hour, and really perked up when during a switchover they played Lady Gaga.  She was hoping that she was there in person!
Then at around 10 when I thought it best to go home she decided that she would prefer to stay and dance!!  Just tyical!!

Friday 28 May 2010

Out of the mouths....

They say that children only speak the truth because they see no malice and speak with a pure heart.
I hope this is not true....

I started at the gym to try and shift these extra pounds that are refusing to shift.  And so I could spend an extra 10 minutes working out I went straight from the gym to do the school run.

EB doesn't often appear happy when I turn up to collect her as she is normally having too much fun to come home and do boring things such as homework, showering and bedtimes, but this time her face lit up and she came running towards me with a big hug and a kiss.
Feeling loved and very special, I gave her a snuggle and asked why I was so lucky today.
She looked at me, rubbed my tummy and said "Mummy, I am just so happy that you're having a baby"!!!!, at the top of her voice!
As the teachers turned to look I quietly told her I wasn't having a baby and question why she would think such a thing.... Silly question I know, as she then told me, "It' because your tummy is so big, it HAS to have a baby in"!

:(  Needless to say, I stepped up the gym sessions and diet!!  And thanks to the "honesty" of my daughter I have now lost 1 stone 2 lb :)

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Tiger Tales

Walking through our town centre EB saw a picture of a white tiger and started talking about her trip to the zoo, it went a little like this....

EB:  Mummy look there's a white tiger just like the one @ Hammerton zoo
Me: Can you remember taht from when we went?
EB: No, when I went with the school
Me: Ok

We carried on walking, then...

EB: It was lovely and soft
Me:  Really?? That's nice....  Wait a minute... How do you know it was soft??
EB: Because I stroked it
Me:  No you didn't you can't reach it
EB:  Not from outside, but we went inside to stroke it
Me:  No you didn't
EB:  I did mummy, we went in side and all sat down and we got to stroke the tiger
Me:  You cannot go into a tiger cage to stroke it, it wouldn't be allowed
EB:  Well we did mummy, honest
ME:  Well I am going to call the school to check
EB: You can't its closed
Me: Well I will ring the zoo
EB:  They wont remember me stroking a tiger

At this point I am really worried, surely if the school were taking her to play with tigers I would have to sign a consent form, or something....  And EB honestly had me believing her. 
EB: The tiger really liked me it kept following me and licking my hand it wanted to come home with me!
Me:  Right too far!  I don't believe you.  There is no way that they would allow the tiger to follow you!!
EB:  Hmmmmm.  Maybe it was a dream, last night then!!!

I could not believe it!  We have a 100% honesty policy at home, no lies, no secrets, not ever!!  So for her to be able to spin this whole story and make me believe her was a complete shock. 
If she is this convincing at 6 years old, I am dreading when she reaches teenage years :(

Not only that but what else could she have told me????

Friday 14 May 2010

A little worried.....

Driving home today I looked across to my daughter sat next to me and she is sat with her eyes closed, hands clasped and head bowed, whilst muttering under her breath.

So I asked her what she was doing, to be told "Praying of course mummy!!"
And as I listened to her start again she was reciting the Lords Prayer.

Now worried about how bad my driving really is!!!???

Thursday 13 May 2010

Found it!!

Yes, I got my voice back properly today :)  It started to appear last night and I was ableto actually wake my daughter up by shouting instaed of using books and shoes to bang on the bannister/doorframes and bed. 

And now I have the joys of conversation my EB has decided she is not talking to me :(  All because I wouldn't tell her who I wanted her to call when me got home.
Her nanny is back from a 5 month trip out in New Zealand which means I get my 1 night off a week again :)  Wednesday night is mummy night!!  But instead of telling her I wanted to surprise my Evil Blonde, but in rebellion she told me she would not talk to me until I told her.  And she really has stubborness down to a fine art now!! lol  Normally I can make her break her silence in 2 minutes, 5 if she is in a bad mood.  But today it lasted nearly 30 minutes until I gave her the phone.
I tried the usual of, "Say yes if you want a sweetie/ice-cream/anything to eat", I sang, I talked to her constantly, tried a few funny jokes but NOTHING!!!  I even threatened to cancel our trip to London on Saturday. 

And all of it was for nothing, because when I dialled her nan's number I miss-dialled, so the call goes through, she is chatting to some random stranger shouting "mummy I don't know who it is!!" So I have to tell her it is nanny and then it isn't Oopps lol

They warn you about the terrible 2's and 3's, toddler tantrums but the stressy sixes have really been my hardest year so far :(  Will 7 be any better??

Wednesday 12 May 2010

All Quiet on the Home Front

It has been a quiet few days here at home, well on my behalf anyway!  I have completely lost my voice!!
All I have is a little whisper and that is if I really really force it.

And my Evil Blonde does not get what it means for me to have lost my voice.

An example of a conversation from the last few days...
EB: (from the kitchen) Mummy

Me: (whispers) yes

EB: (from the kitchen) MUMMY

Me: (whispers) yes

EB: (from the kitchen) MUMMY!!!!

Me: (whispers) yes

EB stomps into lounge... MUM! Why are you ignoring me??

Me: (Sarcastic look)

EB: Can I have a snack?

Me: (nods head) as EB walks back to the kitchen

EB: What can I have? (as she rummages through cupboard0

Me: (more silence)

EB: MUM!! What can I have??

Me: (silence)

EB: (Stomping back to lounge) MUM!!!!!

This went back and forth for at least 10 minutes until we could finally agree on something suitable.  After having 2 days like this I would have thought we could have learnt something by now :(

Please let me have found my voice by the morning ;)


Hello and welcome to my blog!

I blog elsewhere about my crazy life, but a friend of mine told me that the stories of my daughter are worthy of her own blog! And as she doesn't "fit" in my blog, here it is.......

So a little about us, I am a 20-something mummy and my daughter, known as Evil Blonde, is just coming up to her 7th b'day.
She is an angelic looking blonde haired, blue eyed little terror that knows how to wrap most people around her little finger. She is my mini-me in every way, she mimics me in all ways which is not great, especially when her/my sarcastic streak comes out. But as she spent most of her life being brought up with strong independant women around her then I suppose I should be proud she is strong and independant!! :)

That's all for now, but I will be posting again soon xx