Saturday 26 June 2010

Brave or Stupid??

Today was my daughters birthday party, and she asked to have a sleepover with all her closest friends...... Which turned out to be 6 school friends and 3 out of school friends!!
The mums at school were all very greatful and coudn't thank me enough, with a glint in their eyes that said it all, " You crazy mad woman"!!! 
But in total we were expecting 4 to sleepover and 7 to the party, so quite a good turn out.  But last minute illness and cancellations meant that we have 2 staying the night and 5 to the party.

The mums and dads were quick to drop them off and run, especially when they heard all the noise from the garden.  But the time just flew by, and before I realised it was time for some of the girls to head home.
And I just wanted to say how proud I am of myself, which I know is blowing my own trumpet but I deserve it today!!
Since 5pm I have entertained all the girls, given them makeovers and painted their nails, I have played party games and had a pizza making session in the kitchen, we have set off confetti cannons in the garden.
But my proudest accoumplishment must be getting 5 girls showered and in their PJ's in 10 minutes :D

Right now as I they are all sat quietly around my feet in their sleeping bags watching a DVD :)
It may have been a crazy idea but far from stupid.  I have loved having them all here :)

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Football Facts

This morning we are driving to work and EB was reading a box of Frubes in the back of the car. 
"Mummy, would you like to hear some football facts??" she asked so sweetly I could not refuse, even though I HATE football :(
My friends starts laughing and made a comment about how much I love football so EB pipes up "Shush Scott" and then continues "You're a gay..."
This left me completely speechless and then in the few seconds it took me to find my voice she carried on, "...won the first world cup in 1938"
So I asked EB to repeat herself, "You're a gay won the first world cup in 1938, mummy!!"

While my friend practically wet himself laughing I had to explain it was pronounced "Uraguay", but top marks for effort!! :D

Monday 14 June 2010

What a litte Grass!!!

Saturday was my friends 30th birthday, and although I "promised" not to make a fuss for it, I was never going to let that happen!! ;)
So me and a friend arrived at hers at 11.30 when I knew she would be sleeping and did this.......

I was then woken at 7.21am the next morning, accusing me of decorating her house, which I denied and jsut about had her convinced....... That was until me and EB arrived at the party!
We had discussed my decorating earlier and we had pinky swore that she would NOT tell Aunty Carol what I had done, and I foolishly believed her!

We walked in, gave her her card, present and a hug and then EB pipes up... "Aunty Carol, I know who put all the ballons and banners on your house last night!"
And then jerks her head in my direction while clearing her throat!!

Now I have been told on, I have to wait for the next 2 years while my friend plans her revenge!!!! :O

Love you huni, please be kind xxxx

Thursday 10 June 2010

Left Hanging

I go to the gym about 4 times a week now, and on a Sunday EB comes with me so we can go swimming.  We have done this for a few months now and so she is very friendly with all the staff there now.

We walked in on Sunday and was chatting with one of the lads on the desk, he said something vaguely funny and decided to get EB to high-five him for his wittiness.

EB clearly didn't find it amusing, shot him down with a whithering stare and then walked away shaking her head at him.  He called after her to ask why she wasn't going to give him five and she replied
"Because you're just not cool"!! 

Gotta love her sometimes ;)

Saturday 5 June 2010

Watch what you say....

Anyone that knows my biggest baby brother knows he is a bit of a big kid.  He is 21 going on 6, which is probally why him and my daughter get on so well.  But even sometimes he can be too much for her to put up with.

Walking home from the gig that other night he was mesing around and decided he wanted to play on the park, so off he runs/skips, ahead of us all and starts palying on the swings. 
EB was quite tired at this point and a bit ratty and as he started to walk in the gate she told he no, he couldn't play as we were gong home.  He laughed and ignored her and as we caught up she yelled at him;

"Paul!  Stop fannying around"!!!!!!!!
I have never seen a look of pure shock on his face like it before he started laughing.
I attempted to tell her off for being so rude and cheeky to an adult, which wasn't easy as she was right, and everyone was in hysterics, but I managed to put a semi-stern face on and asked who she had heard it from.
And it was me!! :O  Oh the shame! 
And then it came back to me a few mornings ago, when I had been tired and ratty and she was messing me around I had told her the same :( 

Lesson learnt and I am now super careful what phrases I use around her again!

Monday 31 May 2010

First Live Music event

This weekend a local pub runs a "Band Day" every Bank Holiday and has numerous local bands playing all day.  I have never been but one of my friends convinced me to go as it's child-friendly and a good night.

So I decided maybe I should introduce my daughter to the world of live music as it is something I never got into until a lot later in my life.  Acutually i was 21 and I watched Blue & Liberty X, something maybe I shouldn't admit to... lol

But anyway, there was a small gathering of us at mine, and we walked down to the pub.  EB was fine going down and was happily chatting and enetertaining everyone as she does best, until we got there.
At which point she promptly bursts into tears and DEMANDS we go home!
I tried to calm her and asked why, so she responded with;  "Because the music is too loud mummy, I can't hear myself think!!" 
After fighting back the giggles and asked what was so important that she needed to think about, we were just hear to enjoy the music and dance with friends, she told me "Life, mummy!  I have to think about growing up!" 
She then proceeded to shout at me and my brother everytime we danced, scowling and standing on our feet!  She informed me that the lead singer was too noisy, she didn't like his singing and he needed to turn it down, AND then tried to go and tell him!!
She finally seemed to start enjoying herself (not the music) after about an hour, and really perked up when during a switchover they played Lady Gaga.  She was hoping that she was there in person!
Then at around 10 when I thought it best to go home she decided that she would prefer to stay and dance!!  Just tyical!!

Friday 28 May 2010

Out of the mouths....

They say that children only speak the truth because they see no malice and speak with a pure heart.
I hope this is not true....

I started at the gym to try and shift these extra pounds that are refusing to shift.  And so I could spend an extra 10 minutes working out I went straight from the gym to do the school run.

EB doesn't often appear happy when I turn up to collect her as she is normally having too much fun to come home and do boring things such as homework, showering and bedtimes, but this time her face lit up and she came running towards me with a big hug and a kiss.
Feeling loved and very special, I gave her a snuggle and asked why I was so lucky today.
She looked at me, rubbed my tummy and said "Mummy, I am just so happy that you're having a baby"!!!!, at the top of her voice!
As the teachers turned to look I quietly told her I wasn't having a baby and question why she would think such a thing.... Silly question I know, as she then told me, "It' because your tummy is so big, it HAS to have a baby in"!

:(  Needless to say, I stepped up the gym sessions and diet!!  And thanks to the "honesty" of my daughter I have now lost 1 stone 2 lb :)